friends and Central Region community,
I’ve been
slowly processing what’s been going on in the Ferguson community and how this
might affect our region and students. So
many things have already been said about it, the ways we need to listen, and lament,
and learn. I am truly grateful for the
leadership in our community on so many levels, so I don’t want to restate what
has already been said. I just want to
share my narrative and hopefully we can see from it together what the Lord
might be doing in the midst of this tragedy.
I grew up
in a pretty violent place in Chicago, IL, the notable “Southside” of Chicago,
where violence this year has been notably high.
There are so many stories I could share with about the how the police
interacted with the community. Even now,
as I ponder watching police walk people across the street on hands and knees,
ordered by the police to do so, it leaves me in confusion. If they were gang members, why not just leave
them there in the open area for other police to arrive? Why not set up cones so
they wouldn’t get hit on a four way major street? I struggle with wondering why the
relationship between the police and people where I grew up was so bitter.
Yet, I’ve
seen the other side, where violence in the community became so rampant, you
just had to wonder if normal force would be helpful. I remember seeing a man run from one
high-rise building (16 story low income housing) to another. The first building housing a rival gang from
the one the man ran into. It became
known that this man was a drug-addict who stole drugs from the rival gang
leader. This could have become a major
gang war, but an eerie community based solution occurred. The other gang brought the man out of the
building and together…both gangs beat the man to death right up under my 3rd
story window. Rocks, big rocks, punches,
and a bike was even thrown on this man.
It was literally a stoning of a person! There must have been 50-70
people out there. I remember as an 11 year old, wondering how could I survive
in an area with such twisted justice?
For myself at that time, I would’ve loved to seen police come in, make
everyone lie on the ground, just to stop the level of violence that was
Then, there’s
the personal experience, where I was bringing home pizza where I lived, and
police began to swarm the building, most likely trying to catch drug dealers in
the moment. As I was coming in, the
police stopped me, put me against the wall spread my hands, and began checking
the pizza for “drugs.” Right at that moment, some bullies came through, saw
what was happening and started to go through my pockets and rob me at the same
time. I call out to the police, and they
just say, “Don’t you move!” So while I was being “searched” I was robbed at the
same time while police were present!
that throw off your understanding of what it means for police to “serve and
protect?” So now, we have another controversy, we have the Michael Brown
shooting, and once again, we are seeing the world split up. What are we to do as a community? What would Jesus do?
I think the
question, “What would Jesus do” is not the right question. The question I think we should focus on is,
“What has Jesus done?” What has Jesus done to solve violence, and pain, and
suffering? What has Jesus done to bring healing, and freedom? Everything; Jesus
has done everything. His death is why we
live. His suffering is why we are free. His atonement is why we are free from penalty. We look towards Jesus first before we look to
the community, the police, the media, and blogs for answers.
We as
believers can show the world what it truly means to repent and believe in
something greater than our circumstances.
We have the opportunity to show those affected and hurt by this
situation that the light of the world is here and darkness cannot comprehend it
(John 1). This is the InterVarsity
Central Region scripture focus:
“Therefore, since we have such a
cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every weight that
hinders, and sin that so easily entangles us.
And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our
eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Who for the joy set before him endured the
cross despising its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the thrown of
God. Consider him, who endured much from sinful man, so that you will not grow
weary and be fainthearted. (Hebrews 12: 1-3)”
“therefore” can be seen as “since the circumstances are as such.” Which means,
since we see pain, and brokenness and bitterness, and hatred in our world,
there WE who follow the Lord of Light in the midst of this darkness, since we
are the ones in the kingdom of light, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight that hinders. And what is
the weight? The weight of this world, the weight of sin, the weight of the
tragedy of Michael Brown, which is not to say “do not deal with is” but place
the weight where it belongs, on Jesus and on the cross.
weight and sin, and yes, let us not deny the fact that sin in involved. Sinful people, men, women, blog, thoughts,
arguments, comments, commentators, abounds! We can become entangled by the sin
of gossip from this situation. But where
sin is, grace can demolish it! The grace of God has the power to topple the current
narrative, which is that we as a people hate each other. Grace says, God’s power is stronger than our
hatred, and even more so, it’s overwhelming.
Jesus says, hate me instead of each other, and watch me put an end to sin,
and give you the freedom to tear down the walls of hostility (Ephesians
We as the
Christian community are Spiritual Marathon Runners. We are given endurance from on high and the
pacing set by Jesus, who runs before us to endure such suffering. The race we are running is a race won. We are going for second place, because Jesus
has already completed it! That means, sin, which is trying to run the same
place, cannot win. The brokenness of
this world CANNOT and WILL NOT win, praise Jesus.
Do you
understand that Jesus has run this race with joy before him? Jesus was
constantly focused on the father in heaven? Why not we, as the cloud of
witnesses set our sights there as well?
The Lord will have dominion over pain, over Ferguson, over Missouri, the
US, and the world. Let us focus on the
one whose reign will
reign on this earth.
Jesus has
run this race, though knowing that suffering was a part of it. The world could have been eradicated because of our
sin and brokenness. God has just cause, even without Ferguson to destroy us,
but his plan is redemption and justice, not purely destruction.
watches us, and cheers for us, and intercedes for us, and he says, “FINISH IT
FRIENDS!” Jesus isn’t just interested in only himself finishing the race,
though because we are on his team, we WIN! Jesus wants each of his citizens to
finish as well. He wants people who will
SUMMIT the mountain not faint hearted or weary, but full of vitality and hope.

Come Lord
Tony Gatewood
Child of
Region Intervarsity Staff