Monday, July 29, 2013

My Work With InterVarsity: Fall 2013

Hello friends!

I also like to post my ministry updates here.  What I'm doing with my work with InterVarsity.  I hope you enjoy this as well!  Got some thoughts about future posts, so stay tuned!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

373 Words: A Verdict and An Appeal

Tragedy does have to destroy a people...
Most people have already said it enough.  A young life was ended and we are left as a community, a humanity to figure out how in the world we make sense of it. A jury came back and considered the death of a young black man inconsequential relative to a ridiculous law.  I didn’t think I would ache this much about this, but I do. What I’m irked about the most isn’t the verdict given, or the outrage of others.  What is irking me the most is how most of my white friends haven’t even posted a thought about it.  I spent time just looking through Facebook and I just noticed how most of my white friends haven't even mentioned it, but for many of my Black friends, its on the forefront of their mind.  That’s what power is, when you can ignore something that has such a strong effect on such a large community. You can ignore it because it honestly doesn’t affect your day-to-day right?  What does the verdict of Trayvon Martin do to your outlook on the day? The experience of loss and anger and frustration will be long forgotten by the people who are least affected by it. 

Meanwhile, there are those, namely African Americans, who have to carry the burden of realizing that as much progress we can make in this country or the economic strides we can achieve, senseless verdicts such as these will always be made.  It reminds me and many other Black folks that we are all still in the same barrel.  How easy it seemed to demonize Trayvon.  How easy it seemed to humanize Zimmerman.

For all the Black folk I know and love and I don’t know, but still love; we will get though this.  You’re angry, I know.  It doesn’t seem fair, and folk who don’t look like us seem to always get away with crime.  I want to let you know, YOU ARE STRONG.  You come from a mighty and great group of people.  Do not drop your value with violence or anger against white folk, not all of them are like this. Stay focused, we will get through this and our community WILL thrive.  One decision does not change that.